Since March of 2018 I have volunteered my time as a photographer with Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep (NILMDTS). As a former grief counsellor, I was compelled to join the amazing team of volunteers in Ottawa who is on call for sessions at hospitals throughout the city both day and night. It’s an honour to be trusted with these precious memories.
“NILMDTS offers the gift of healing, hope and honor to parents experiencing the death of a baby through the overwhelming power of remembrance portraits. Professional-level photographers volunteer their time to conduct an intimate portrait session, capturing the only moments parents spend with their babies. Parents are gifted with delicately retouched heirloom black and white portraits free of charge.
These priceless images serve as an important step in the healing recovery for bereaved families. NILMDTS remembrance photography validates the existence and presence of these precious babies by honoring their legacy.
NILMDTS recruits, trains, and mobilizes professional quality photographers around the world. Through NILMDTS, medical personnel are given a meaningful option to offer bereaved parents by creating remembrance portraiture for their babies.”